Monday, June 11, 2012

Time to Say Goodbye


I just passed 2 best days of the last 3 years. Am now sitting on my bed, typing, remembering what had just happened tonight. 

I've been thinking about this too much. How will I be in the next 2 years, 5, or maybe 10 years from now. Who will I be hanging with, love stories, dream things.. Tonight might be the last time I saw you. i don't like goodbyes. Its never fun to say goodbye. Never understood the meaning of good in that word. where's the good in parting ways with people you care for a lot?

And I realized! di halaman depan gereja waktu gladi bersih, waktu kita main-main, kejar-kejaran, tertawa lebar, itu adalah main-main terakhir kita sama sahabat kita. Sahabat yang akan pergi.

3 tahun bahkan lebih. Dan besok, gue udah gak bisa lihat lo lagi.. Bahkan kalaupun bisa, mungkin beberapa tahun lagi. 

Di saat gue bangun besok pagi, gue mau semuanya selesai. Kesedihan, galau, cemberut udah gak ada lagi. Disaat gue bangun besok pagi, harus ada senyum. Walaupun waktu itu sangaat lama. I'll wait. I believe we'll find each other soon, someday, somehow.

"Selalu ada 1001 alasan untuk perpisahan. tapi saya percaya, sebab paling mendasar selalu sederhana dan alami: Memang sudah waktunya."